Malcolmia maritima
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,2 g
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Virginia stock "Spring Sparkle" (mix of colours).
Amazing scent all summer long!
Cold-resistant and drought-resistant annual.
Small delicate flowers on compact plants 15 to 30 cm high. A mix of colours: pink, purple and white. Reseeds itself. Bloom quickly. Easy to grow. Slight scent.
Grow with other flowers in boxes or pots.
Hardy Annual.
Flowers: Summer.
Height: 8 inches.
Ideal For: Border, Children.
Description: In just 4 weeks from showing you will have sweet-scented pink, white and lavender flowers. A bright and colourful mixture of one of the easiest-grown and hardiest of all dwarf annuals. An infallible standby for edges and borders coming very quickly into bloom. Flowers summer.
Sowing Instructions: sow in spring outdoors where they are to flower. Prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth before sowing. Sow 3 mm deep in rows 30 cm apart, but do not exclude light, which is beneficial to germination. Germination usually takes approximately 21 days.
Growing Instructions: when large enough to handle thin to 8 cm apart. They prefer a sunny open site but will grow in almost any soil. Seeds sown in the autumn will flower in the following spring.
Aftercare Instructions: for a beautiful display of colour during the day plus exquisite fragrance at night mix with an equal quantity of Night Scented Stock before sowing.

Malcolmia maritima, Meri-malkolmia

Homeland - the Mediterranean. Strongly branched annual plant. Stems thin 15-20 cm tall. Blooms profusely from June until frost. Seeds remain viable for 2-3 years. In culture since 1713.
It has many hybrid varieties with a variety of flower colours, white, pink, mauve, red, blue and sometimes yellow. In directories and catalogues, sometimes it can be found under the name Cheiranthus maritimus L.
Location: prefers open, sunny places.
Soil: grows well in almost any soil. But prefers areas with heavily calcareous, medium or heavy loamy soil, without stagnant water.
Care: easy. When flowering subsides, cut off the upper part of the plants, and soon it resumes.
Propagation: by sowing seeds in a permanent place before winter or spring. The crops are thinned out, leaving 7-10 cm between plants. It tolerates light frosts, but for safety, it is better to cover it with agril. With spring sowing, it blooms from late June to autumn, with autumn sowing, it blooms earlier. Gives abundant self-seeding.
Usage: for flowerbeds, borders, borders and rocky hills. Can be grown in pots.

Eng.: Virginia stock. Suom.: Meri-illakko, Merimalkolmia. Sven.: Strandlövkoja. Bot. syn.: Cheiranthus maritimus L.

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